Marketing Applications
and Business caseSam has just been appointed Marketing Manager of Feynman & Co. This company produces and distributes a range of industrial products. As soon as she took up her position, she noticed that the performance of existing programs' actions was not good: low click-through email campaigns, advertising with disappointing results, lack of community involvement, declining awareness... She undertook to list the problems and set up a new action plan inspired by quantum marketing.
360° survey marketing
Because they are based on an incomplete customer experience, traditional marketing strategies are built on unreliable ground. This is why we speak of superposition: in quantum physics, every particle is located in several states at the same time. But the fact of measuring it and then passing from a probabilistic state governed by indeterminacy to a deterministic world, closer to our Newtonian and Cartesian way of thinking:"I measure, therefore I am". The professional's role is therefore to measure, first and foremost, in order to carry out a 360° marketing study of weak signals
1Problematic Issue
Incomplete customer experienceSam is dissatisfied with the ability of traditional techniques to comprehensively identify the concerns that each of his prospects is having.
2Quantum concept Superposition
A particle can be in several places at once, until it is observed.3Quantum marketing vision
I measure therefore I amDecision making is a quantum process: at some point in its journey, the decision maker is in several states simultaneously.
4Marketing transposition
360° survey marketingSam decides to produce a series of campaigns and studies on the needs of his targets. At the same time, she is acquiring a solution to study the behaviour of visitors to her site, her blog and articles on social networks.
5Marketing Application
Broadband collectionSam collects a quantity of elements corresponding to each prospect's decision criteria:
- profile
- behaviour of visitors on the web site
- topics of interest on social networksOne to One Marketing
Market segmentation is the basis of any traditional marketing strategy. But if this segmentation is too broad, the "prospect-stereotype" proposed by the classic model is often only a shadow without consistency. In quantum physics, it is impossible to determine with certainty which direction a particle will take - it "chooses" indeterminately when and in which direction it will jump. Applied to marketing, it is much more relevant to practice an individualized observation of a prospect's behavior (even if it means making it more likely) than a supposedly homogeneous group. To do this, it is necessary to use solutions that trace the paths of each visitor taken in isolation, from a one-to-one marketing perspective.
1Problematic Issue
Le prospect-stéréotypeSam does not believe in the overly simplistic segmentation of his predecessor. An admirer of Georges Seurat, she is in favour of a "pointillist" approach to her market.
2Quantum concept
IndéterminationWe cannot know the direction of a particle with certainty, we can only reason in terms of probabilities.
3Quantum marketing vision
One-to-one observation
It is much more relevant to observe the individual behaviour of a prospect (by probabilizing it) than of a so-called homogeneous group.
4Marketing transposition
Marketing one-to-one
Sam decides to lower its lead observation granularity to the level of each individual. To do this, Sam uses dashboards.
5Marketing Application
Measurement of weak signals
For each parameter, Sam sets up H24 monitoring of the digital signals of each of its targets: page viewed, number of visits, time spent, etc. The system calculates a live maturity "score" for each prospect.
Understand your customers
360° Study Marketing
With GetQuanty the first step is to understand who does what on your site and social networks, before any action. As such, GetQuanty gathers all the elements corresponding to a prospect's decision criteria. Visitors are first identified as a company name, using a code that traces the visitor's IP address and compares it with a database of millions of records. GetQuanty technology is so refined that it can identify on average 30% of visitors - by far the best identification rate on the market. By way of comparison, Google Analytics, although renowned for its quality of analysis, only goes up... 0.5% of identities.
Broadband collection
Contacts are then enriched by quantities of useful information: contact details, function, turnover of the company, sector of activity... but above all the behaviour of visits, both in terms of amplitude (pages viewed, time spent, videos viewed, documents downloaded) and frequency (number of visits). The measurement of these weak signals and their interpretation contribute to "collapse the wave function" of the visitor according to the principles of superposition and indeterminacy: each prospect is assigned a decision state that serves as a basis for triggering marketing actions.
Vanessa Bachet-Krief, then Marketing Director of Jabra (the professional headphone specialist), explained during a conference that from the very first days GetQuanty was used, the solution had helped her identify Louis Vuitton, L'Oréal and a few other prestigious brands among her most regular visitors... Strategic information received with interest by her management.
Influencial marketing
Generally, a client is treated as an isolated target, as a single decision-maker who makes his decision alone. But who influences his choice? In quantum physics, we speak of entanglement of particles between them. This means that any change in the state of one instantly changes that of the other, regardless of the distance between them. Applied to marketing, we can speak of entangled influence. This influential marketing takes the form of measuring the maturity of the client as a whole, including all decision makers, users, family members or even buyers who participate directly or indirectly in the choice.
1Problematic Issue
The single decision-maker
Sam is well aware that Feynman's clients, mostly SMEs and large companies, use complex decision-making processes that involve several people. Until then, his team considered each decision-maker as an isolated agent.
2Quantum concept
IntricationTwo entangled particles interact immediately at any distance.
3Quantum marketing vision
Intricated Influence
Each decision-maker consults his ecosystem before rendering his verdict.
4Marketing transposition
Marketing d’influenceSam decides to align the sales cycle with his prospects' buying cycle. To do so, it argues that the target is the individual taken in his decision-making ecosystem. In concrete terms, she uses GetQuanty to attach to each decision-maker in her prospect database a list of other decision-makers in the same company.
5Marketing application
Influence the ecosystemIts marketing and sales actions are now driven by the signals emitted by each company or organization. Yesterday, she recommended to Xavier, one of the sales representatives, to contact his contact at Evian, because one of the decision-makers of this strategic customer reached the presentation page of the new Feynman compressor and stayed there for several minutes.
Target your customers
Influencial marketing
It is then a question of targeting the prospects whose visit route is the hottest.
The system looks at the target not in isolation, but in a local "embedded" system - the business to which it belongs. It calculates in real time the maturity score of the company (in quantum language: its probabilistic wave function). This state score calculation is configurable, but it depends on the frequency of visits (number of visits made by the company in recent days) and their amplitude. The amplitude marks the level of motivation of the visitor (or in physical terms, the amount of energy released by the particle): pages viewed, documents downloaded, videos viewed, time spent...
Ecosystem analysis
Le scoring est un élément essentiel, en vue d’une part de prioriser les prospects (en vue de sélectionner ceux sur lesquels avoir une action rapide) et d’autre part de sélectionner les actions (cf. ci-dessous).
Weber, a well-known barbecue brand, became aware that there was a B2B demand. But which companies to target, knowing that Weber is completely discovering this new market? A classic approach would have been to conduct a field survey. But Rachel Hourlier, Weber's marketing manager, opted for a digital approach to benefit from more reliable statistics (based on observation of real rather than declared behaviour): "We are all influenced by our beliefs. The advantage of GetQuanty is that the solution shows the reality of a market, without a subjective filter.
Qualitative Marketing
In marketing, we thought that the more the buyer is put under pressure, the more his desire to buy increases. Experience has shown that increasing marketing pressure by sending an inappropriate message 20 times has no more effect than once. In quantum physics, we see that to "move" the electron that gravitates around the nucleus of the atom, we have to apply a certain amount of energy (in packets or quantas, hence the term "quantification"). The same goes for marketing. To make a prospect execute a quantum leap towards a higher level of maturity, it is necessary to deploy a certain level (marketing quantum) of energy adapted to qualitative marketing.
1Problematic Issue
La pression marketingSam is aware that sending a (bad) message 20 times has no more effect than once, contrary to the precepts of mass marketing. She herself classifies any misdirected advertising email as spam.
2Quantum concept
QuantificationA particle "moves" only if it is sent a sufficient level of energy (quanta).
3Quantum marketing vision
Quanta marketingA prospect goes from a decision state to a higher state if he has received a minimum amount of marketing energy.
4Marketing transposition
Qualitative marketing
Sam undertakes to determine for each prospect the level of marketing energy below which the action is counterproductive.
5Marketing application
Marketing quantaFor each prospect, Sam keeps in GetQuanty a quantas classification table that allows her to move from one state to another: email = 1 quanta, visit form = 10 quantas...
Scenario based Marketing
In marketing, the best way to get a message across is to tell a story. But the customer perceives that messages and campaigns are out of sync. In the quantum universe, we speak of noncommutativity. the order of the terms of an equation cannot be changed without altering the result. Impossible, for example, to write only 3x2=2x3. Applied to marketing, the customer is in search of meaning, the personalized scenario of campaigns is essential. It is therefore up to the CMO to define, using A/Z testing, the correct order in which messages are transmitted, in the form of storytelling and scripted marketing.
1Problematic Issue
The campaign out of sync
An automated campaign that takes place in no specific order tells no story... and does not capture attention. Sam is aware of this, she wants to make sense of her campaigns.
2Quantum concept
Non commutativityThe sequence of the experiments influences the result.
3Quantum vision
The personalised scenario
The order in which the message (and therefore the content) is received influences the decision.
4Marketing transposition
Script-based marketing
With her communication team and an agency, Sam builds the storytelling of Feynman&Co; then Sam carefully plans a sequencing based on the behavior of each target.
5Marketing application
Campaign Scenarization
With GetQuanty, Sam sets up an automatic email invitation to a webinar about the F1 product to a target who visited the product page; while another prospect, who went on the contact form without completing it, will be called back by a sales representative.
Act at the right time
The next step, of course, is to act to turn this knowledge into business.
Qualitative marketing
Depending on the version chosen, the system proposes by default a certain number of possible actions, such as accessing a list of hot contacts ready to call, or restarting said contacts by an email whose message depends on the score obtained.
Other actions can be initiated, as needed, such as identifying companies that have reached a contact form without filling it, automating the sending of emails as a commercial signature, automatically relaunching by email a past contact on a basket or an offer, sending a message whose content prompts to react, or optimizing the ROI of digital campaigns.
Script based marketing
But the most important thing is that the action is chosen not based not on a profile or an event, but on a complete system of observations (pages viewed, routes taken for several days or weeks). This is what ensures that the message sent will be relevant, that it will exceed the minimum amount of marketing energy to get the prospect out of his area of uncertainty. Even better, by applying the principle of non-commutativity, you can set up a series of complementary actions (for example a sequence of sending emails) in the most judicious order to convince the decision-maker.
Jean-Pierre Savi, Marketing Director of Orange Cloud for Business, used GetQuanty to manage the paradox of choosing marketing devices that are respectful of customers, but effective in a very competitive market. He opted for retargeting campaigns: sending an automatic email, personalized according to the visitor's route. Result: an opening rate 66% higher than the average, a click rate more than four times better.
Contextual Marketing
Because they are based on an incomplete customer experience, traditional marketing strategies are built on unreliable ground. This is why we speak of superposition: in quantum physics, all particles are located in several states at once. But measuring it and then moving from a probabilistic state governed by indeterminacy to a deterministic world, closer to our Newtonian and Cartesian way of thinking: "I measure, therefore I am". The role of the professional therefore consists first and foremost in measuring to practice 360° study marketing of weak signals.
1Problematic Issue
The customer in context
Sam found that the marketing department measured campaign results with two tools: Google Analytics (for SEO and traffic) and Excel. It considers that the calculation of ROI for campaigns is very approximate.
2Quantum concept
SuperpositionA particle can be in several places at once, until it is observed.
3Quantum marketing vision
A/B testingThe fine measurement of campaign results is an essential tool to inform the nature of each prospect. Quantum physics describes phenomena that include in their definition the experimental context that make its phenomena manifest.
4Marketing transposition
Contextual ROI Marketing
For Sam each campaign must pass to the results filter. That only one analysis is missing and it is the whole understanding of the environment that is distorted.
5Marketing application
Contextual dashboards
Sam uses a solution whose customizable dashboards allow it to track the digital activity of each prospect, both on its website and on its blogs and articles LinkedIn or Facebook. Thus, the entire digital context of the prospect is quantified.
Measure ROI
Finally, GetQuanty allows you to measure campaign results, to better calibrate the following - reduce particle wave function by observing your prospect's behavior at the end of the action.
Contextual ROI Marketing
GetQuanty offers a default dashboard that gives you real-time information on your main KPIs: percentage of hot prospects, proportion of small or large companies, industry representation, target function rates affected etc.
You can also build your own KPIs from the hundreds of parameters available.
Sonia Morand, Communication & Marketing Manager at Toshiba, has led a policy of creating rich content (two articles per week on the blog). Visitors identified by GetQuanty then receive a newsletter that corresponds to the content they have visited. Consequence: much more recipients than in an opt-in approach, but much better targeted than in a traditional opt-out approach.
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